Thursday 21 November 2013

You Remind Me of My Dog: for Leah

Dearest Leah,

We've been best friends for 231 dog years, give or take, and today — your birthday — I've been thinking how wonderfully apt it is that I've ended up with Freddie as my canine best friend. In all the most important ways, you two are exactly alike ...

Ever positivical
Ne'er inclined to critical
Keen to try whatever stuff
Eschewing of the grim and gruff
Forgiving of my gaffes and flaws
Animated on your paws
Befriendiletic to the hilt
Wise to low-glycemic wilt
Sweet, affectionate you be
O, waggalicky lucky me!

And as if that slice o' poesy weren't enough, here's a fitting ditty in honour of your day...

Jane Siberry

Have a spectacular birthday and year, hermana! XOXOX

Kali, Ploufi, and Freddie: pals, too, bien sûr :)

In other Walking With Freddie news, watch for tomorrow's post, everyone, when Freddie and I will take our most exotic journey yet! Speaking of which, gotta fly ... All our bags are packed; we're ready to go ... See you there!

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