Tuesday 15 October 2013

Completion Day (or, How to Slash Your Assets in Under an Hour)

Today being the day our real estate purchase "completes," I was paying more than usual attention to realtors' signs and noticed that this one (not ours) has one of those little black and white images that look like a cross between a barcode and a Rorschach test. What are those things? Does one scan them somehow with a cell phone? Then what happens? (Clearly someone writing a photo web log can't call herself a true Luddite ... but I'm close!)

The sign above is for a one-bedroom in another co-op building, near ours. Have I mentioned that co-ops, in addition to being inexpensive (by Vancouver standards), are very common in NYC, around Central Park and other desirable neighbourhoods? Very sexy real estate — that's my new sales angle. ;-)

Here's Freddie, checking out some curbside real estate and stirring up some petals:

Here's the soundtrack for the photo below: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmPUu-rMpWA (an unusual version!)

Pigeons and poop bags! Some kind soul at the local dog park has left these bags for forgetful dog owners (such as yours truly was today). I think I know who the kind soul might be. Thanks, man — your karma is good! :)

And here we are in the lawyer's office, having our financial assets slashed with a few quick pen strokes. Despite how he looks here, Paul really is happy about this move ... really. At least the lawyer was a nice guy (though I swear he looked fifteen).

Freddie digs the tennis courts. Technically he's not supposed to be on them, though I don't think the fine is nearly as severe as the one for failing to scoop up poop.

Here's the backpack containing all the documentation from photo #5.

I like bricks. Brick walls. Brick chimneys. Brick ovens! I've yet to crack open a copy of Brick magazine, but I like the name. A crumbling brick planter will do in a pinch.

May you have a solid day!

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